Brandon Stafford runs Nolop.

Brandon is an engineer who lives in Somerville, Massachusetts, USA. He grew up north of Boston and spent a lot of time building tree forts and skateboard ramps as an adolescent. After a degree in English and a few years of teaching high school math, Brandon went to grad school in mechanical engineering.
Since grad school, Brandon has worked at the Stanford Robotics Lab, Mindtribe Product Engineering, and as a consultant for various renewable energy startups. For five years, he ran Rascal Micro, a startup building small computers for art and science.
At Tufts, Brandon teaches hands-on courses in electronics (ME 30) and mechanical design (ME 93-DF).
In the past, he has also taught a microcontroller programming course (ME 193-MPP), the mechanical engineering senior capstone course (ME 74), and an introductory engineering course on how to make stuff (EN1).
Brandon taught the spring quarter of Stanford’s legendary embedded systems death march, ME218C, with his friend Adam in 2003. He also worked as a camp counselor for 10 summers at Camp Chewonki, where he taught a class in building sea chests.
In 2002, he converted a Porsche 914 to electric power.

Brandon runs irregularly with the Tufts Marathon Team for the long-term health benefits. Sometimes, doing something hard makes the rest of life feel easy.