Check off every item that we have. If we need to order more of something, either because there’s none left or we’re just running low, do not check that item.
- sanding pads
- ☐ round 80 grit
- ☐ round 120 grit
- ☐ round 180 grit
- ☐ round 220 grit
- ☐ triangular 80 grit
- ☐ triangular 120 grit
- ☐ triangular 180 grit
- ☐ triangular 220 grit
- sandpaper
- ☐ 60 grit
- ☐ 100 grit
- ☐ 220 grit
- acrylic paint
- ☐ black
- ☐ white
- ☐ set of 8 colors
- ☐ band-aids
- ☐ Neosporin
- ☐ bandages
- ☐ Gojo soap
- ☐ hand soap
- ☐ paper towels
- stained glass
- ☐ fat solder
- ☐ patina
- ☐ flux
- ☐ cutting oil
- ☐ copper tape
- soldering
- ☐ tips
- ☐ brass sponges for cleaning
- ☐ tip tinner
- ☐ braided solder wick
- ☐ stranded wire
- ☐ solder for electronics
- ☐ heat shrink
- Dupont connectors
- ☐ pins
- ☐ sockets
- ☐ housings
- ☐ masking tape
- ☐ duct tape
- ☐ pencils
- ☐ wood glue
- ☐ hot glue sticks
- ☐ popsicle sticks
- ☐ X-acto blades
- ☐ utility knife blades
- nitrile gloves
- ☐ small
- ☐ medium
- ☐ large
- ☐ parking tickets
- ☐ scrap paper
- ☐ whiteboard markers
- ☐ PLA
- ☐ backdrop for photo booth
- ☐ USB sticks for laser/3D printers
- ☐ embroidery thread
- craft paper
- ☐ white
- ☐ brown